Latest News 6/3/2020

Dear members, friends and guests,

I have been given new directives from Bishop Sumner.  Excerpts from his letter are below.

 “We are watching the data. The movement in Dallas County and surrounding counties has been generally downward for two weeks, though it started with a higher total. We reserve the right to pull back our permissions if the infection rate should spike.
As of the Sunday after Trinity, June 14, all churches may move to Step C.
     Please remind the older and the vulnerable once more that the wisest course is to stay home, and be involved via streamed services.

Step C
     Masks and social distancing: as many as can safely be included in your Church by the ‘masks and 6 feet’ rule, which you have measured and marked out, with attention to entrance and exit.  

     Singing: indoor congregational singing is prohibited.
     Communion: Pre-Sanctified Hosts are placed in ziplocked plastic bags and are distributed to the congregants as they enter from ushers with masks and gloves. Host will be consumed by congregants from their seats after the Bread and Wine are presented (it will be noted in the Sunday bulletin)”
The Right Rev. George Sumner

At St. Nicholas Church beginning Sunday June 21 we will have several options for our members, friends and guests to participate in worship:
  1. At 11am each Sunday we will have a service of Holy Communion in Orand Church under the directions of Step C.  Seats will be marked reserved to conform with Social Distancing guidelines, greeters with gloves and masks will open the doors for guests at the entrance to Orand Church, ushers with gloves and masks will distribute the  Host in zip locked bags and the worship bulletin, ALL will be required to wear masks as they enter the building and throughout the duration of the time in the building (except for those leading with speaking roles and for all when consuming the Host). There will be no hugging, shaking of hands and no coffee or food served. NO Education Hour at 10am.  No childcare or Children’s Church at 11am.  (Debbie Swackhamer, our Children’s Ministry Director, is creating a handout for kids to use during 11am worship)
     2. Hosts will be distributed on Saturdays from 5-6 pm from the church parking lot for members, friends and guests to consume during the Facebook Live broadcast on Sundays at 11am.  Facebook Live broadcasts will continue at 11am Sundays.
     3. Fr. Mark is available as requested to come to your home for a Holy Communion service with you, your family and as many friends as you can accommodate with appropriate distance between individuals.  Email, call or text Fr. Mark to request him to come to your home.
It is my hope that these 3 options make it possible for each of us to find a way to comfortably to worship our Lord with others and to partake in Holy Communion in this difficult time of a pandemic.
Our church staff has had so many creative ideas to keep us connected in this disconnected time, a  BIG thank you to each of the staff!  We will continue to make porch deliveries, have Zoom online groups available and more as the Spirit of God leads us to help stay connected.
I ask you to prayerfully consider which option best fits you and your family to worship our Lord!  Call, email, or text me if you have questions, concerns or prayer requests!

Fr. Mark